Osaka Gakuin 42 Wiki
Welcome to the Osaka Gakuin #42
Hello and welcome to the Osaka Gakuin #42 Wiki! I am your gracious host and world creator, CaptainMcToasty! Osaka Gakuin #42 started as a roleplay on another Wikia and has since been moved to being its very own Wikia. I do hope you enjoy your stay here. Please visit our rules category for information on how to conduct yourself here on the Wikia and our guide on how to make your very own character to enroll at Osaka Gakuin #42! Can't wait to hang with you around school!

About Osaka Gakuin #42

Established fairly recently in an old castle near Osaka, Japan, Osaka Gakuin #42 was intended to be an all-purpose high school/boarding school. Using the latest technology to refurbish the castle, students have access to a wide variety of technology. However, that isn't the only important thing about the school. For some reason, the school is a magnet for the paranormal. Various supernatural things happen there, ranging from students connected to shadowy, ancient organizations to students with powerful spirits trapped in weapons. There is also a good number of normal students attending the school as well. At Osaka Gakuin #42, anything and everything can and will happen.

Story Arcs

Tournament Arc

Things to do in Osaka Gakuin #42
Get a character accepted and start your first day!

Affiliated Wikis
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Contact one of the admins!
